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Why choose a contractor from our network?
The James Hardie™ ALLIANCE is designed to match homeowners with top contractors from around the country. Members of the James Hardie™ ALLIANCE are:
Trained: Members must successfully complete required installation trainings and receive best practice installation literature.
Vetted: Members must provide valid insurance credentials and participate in monitoring of their Google reviews.
Proven: Members must annually submit invoices that prove they have sufficient experience with Hardie® products necessary to maintain their tier.
ALLIANCE™ members are ready to assist with your re-side, remodel or repair. Use the contractor locator tool to find professionals backed by extensive installation training and track records of satisfied customers.

The siding brand North America trusts
Join more than 10 million* homeowners across America who trust Hardie® products to elevate and protect their homes. Our unrivaled combination of beautiful design and next-level performance make James Hardie the #1 brand** of fiber cement siding in the U.S.Why choose James HardieDive deeper into our program tiers
The Pros who belong to the James Hardie™ ALLIANCE have demonstrated experience working with homeowners and installing Hardie® products. Position your project for success, choose a member of the James Hardie™ ALLIANCE.
This tier includes a range of contractors from experienced pros with a diverse portfolio of projects including siding, to contractors with a newer affiliation with James Hardie. Contractors in this tier have consistently demonstrated their skilled ability to complete projects with Hardie® products.
Members of this tier know what it takes to deliver great results with Hardie® products and they have a demonstrated track record of quality. With years of experience, and close James Hardie affiliation, you can count on a preferred contractor to get the job done right.
Elite members exemplify what it means to be a seasoned exterior professional. Members of this tier have the highest level of expertise and experience working with Hardie® products. With an average James Hardie affiliation of over 10 years, you can feel confident that your project is in the hands of a proven pro.
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